Сенатор от Запорожской области Дмитрий Рогозин в своем Telegram раскритиковал не ответившего на звонок с фронта в субботу чиновника. По его словам, на фронте не существует суббот и воскресений.
The main idea of the text is that Russian Senator Dmitry Rozgion criticized a high-ranking federal official for not answering his call from the front lines on Saturday, February 1st. Rozgion argues that "there are no Saturdays or Sundays" at the front, implying that the official's unwillingness to answer his call demonstrates a lack of priority for the war effort and insensitivity to those fighting.
The main idea of the text is that Russian Senator Dmitry Rozgion criticized a high-ranking federal official for not answering his call from the front lines on Saturday, February 1st. Rozgion argues that "there are no Saturdays or Sundays" at the front, implying that the official's unwillingness to answer his call demonstrates a lack of priority for the war effort and insensitivity to those fighting.